Fast builds in the cloud, at a fraction of the cost.
The Smart Compatibility Layer cuts your cloud compute costs by 40% to 70%
by automating your Windows workloads to run on Linux VMs.
Windows VMs are expensive. The Smart Compatibility Layer slashes your cloud bill costs with Incredibuild’s Smart Compatibility Layer when you include it in Incredibuild for Cloud.
No need for configurations or tedious integration setups to run your Windows workloads on Linux VMs. The Smart Compatibility layer does it automatically, giving you better resource usage and cost-efficient builds.
Seamlessly runs your Windows workloads on Linux VMs while accelerating in the cloud
Automatically coordinate workload caching and distribution across limitlessly scalable cloud computational resources. It optimizes performance and cost, and automatically manages Virtual Machines (VMs) based on your build’s ongoing needs – automatically scaling up and down for you so nothing is over-provisioned or under-provisioned.
Automatically virtualizes Windows workloads on less expensive Linux VMs. Integrated seamlessly across all helper agents, it requires no manual intervention or changes to code, significantly reducing cloud costs and optimizing build times with one simple setting.
See the significant cost savings when switching from on-demand Windows to spot Linux with Incredibuild's Smart Compatibility Layer.
Example with Unreal Engine 5.1
Traditional build process with baseline performance
Faster builds leveraging
cloud optimization
Peak efficiency with Windows workloads virtualized on Linux